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Arkansas Bar Association attorney search

The Arkansas Bar Association (ARKBar attorney search) was founded in 1898. It offers a free online directory called ARKANSAS FIND A LAWYER to help you connect with qualified attorneys in the state. It is a voluntary platform which contains a list of 5100 attorney members registered in 2007 in the bar association. They are facilitated to the whole legal community of the state.

Arkansas Bar Association aims to maintain a sense of collegiality among its members, further the administration of justice in the state, and enhance its members’ professional lives. All these attorneys serve the state’s citizens to deal with their cases in the judiciary system of Arkansas state. The first-ever Bar Association comprised nineteen lawyers in the state who made a Bar for the lawyers it established in 1837. U.M. Rose elected its first president.

The mission statement Arkansas Bar Association attorney

Advance the administration of justice

The main purpose of creating the Bar Association is to bring advancements in the court system of the state. The administration body took this step to enhance justice in the state.

Promote ethical standards

Lawyers serve in the state and it is a white colour professional the purpose of the Bar is to promote high standards of ethics among the lawyer community.

Improve the legal profession’s

To produce efficiency in the field of lawyers. There is the legal body of the state that practices the law in any state to raise this legal profession the Bar Association.

Legal education for attorneys.

Bar is the place that not only serves the community but also it is a workshop place where legal education is provided to law professionals. 

Improvements in the law and legal system.

One of the main purposes of the Bar is to improve the legal system of the state. There are the institutions where the law of any state is practised and makes its justice system in accordance. 

Purposes of Bar Association attorney 

The ARKbar was established to run the judiciary system of the state and provide information and guidance to the citizens of the state. And facilitate too. There are the following purposes highlighted in the Bar Association.


A searchable directory to help you find qualified attorneys in the state. There is a platform where all the attorney of the state registers their self. There are 5600 attorneys registered in 2007.

Information about legal issues

The main purpose of the Bar is to provide information about the legal proceedings in the state, and the current judiciary system of the state. There are a lot of people in the state who do not know how to handle the case and how the justice system regulates the state.

Lawyer referral services 

The referral services were not provided directly by the ARKbar. The Bar facilitates the community with these services.

Disciplinary information about attorneys

The guidance of the disciplines of any attorney in the state. The rights and duties of the lawyers. When you hire a lawyer to deal with your cases and look after the proceedings of the court what duties pay by the attorny and what are the disciplinary rules about the duty of the attorney? 

The information included in (Arkbar)

As we know it is a platform where you can find the appropriate attorney to handle the proceeding of your case. After putting in some requirements you can access the list of the attorneys. This shows the following information about the attorney who registered with the Bar Association. 

Basic Information:

  • Attorney’s name:

 the name of the attorney shown on the list per the information that you provide to search for the attorney. 

  • Contact information:

The contact information of your selecting attorney. It includes the contact number, location, and address of the attorney.

Practice Areas:

 Every attorney specialises in their profession it has experience in the ground of the specific category or type of the case. A list of legal areas the attorney focuses on (e.g., family law, criminal defence, personal injury)

To find more in-depth information

Visit the website of the attorney or bar association of each county.

Contact their office directly for details about their experience and fees.

Read online reviews from past clients to check the authenticity of the attorney according to his specialisation and your case type.

Bar Association attorney 

Arkansas has the fewest number of lawyers per resident out of any state in the country. Each county has their separate Bar Association to facilitate its citizens in the field of legal investigation and proceedings. While the state is home to nearly three million people, only about six thousand residents of Arkansas are licensed to practice law in-state. The Arkansas Bar Association serves all of these attorneys, regardless of the type of law they may practice.

However, since the Arkansas Bar Association is a voluntary organization, its membership consists of only approximately 90% of these lawyers. An additional 700 attorneys who are licensed to practice in Arkansas but live elsewhere belong to the Arkansas Bar Association. The United States is a vast nation with 3.8 million square miles of land. Of our 321.4 million population, 1.3 million are active and practising lawyers. But lawyers tend to practice near big cities or where large businesses have gathered. Due to these large statistics, it create a problem in finding an attorney. So how do you find a lawyer near you who will take your case?

If you want to learn more about the Akrbar visit the official website of the Bar Association or contact the number which is provided below for your inquiries.

  • Website: Attorney Search
  • Address: 320 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 600, Little Rock, AR 72201
  • Phone: (501) 375-3763

Membership for attorney search

As we know the ARkbar is a tool which provides the facility to their user to find an attorney. Each county has its separate Bar Association for this purpose. Membership is not mandatory for attorneys in Arkansas, but it offers several benefits. There is no need to have membership but if you have it provide some additional benefits here are some of them.

  •  If you want to take legal study overview it provides access to CLE (Continuing Legal Education) resources and discounts.
  • Online legal research tools like Fastcase. Provide some additional legal tool series.
  • Networking opportunities with other lawyers. It provides a ground full of legal professionals where you can contact them.
  • Advocacy and representation on legal issues affecting the profession. It is an extra edge to having a membership.

Including fees

Search is Free: 

Using ARKANSASFINDALAWYER to search for attorneys is a free service provided by the Arkansas Bar Association. It is the free-of-cost service provided to the community of Arkansas state.

Attorney Fees Separate: 

The search tool doesn’t display attorney fees. Each attorney sets their fees, and you’ll need to contact them directly for more information. It must be essential to pay the attorney it depends upon the lawyer you choose for hiring. 

Note: every attorney has a different service fee you can ask them after contacting them, it can vary based on the case type or attorney experienced. 

Using the Arkansas Bar Association Attorney Search step-by-step guide

Visit the Arkansas Bar Association website

Practice Areas:

  • Save your case ( name, email, contact)

Find a lawyer with a legal match ( type of the case)

Select sub-category (case type)

fulfil the specific questions ( status, occupation, income, etc) 

Select the location of your county ( county name or zip code)

 Select Cost estimation ( depends upon the experience of the attorney in a specific type of case)

Final decision to book an appointment with the attorney ( date, time)


We discussed the Arkansas Bar Association attorney search briefly. We took an overview of the mission and purpose of the ARkbar. And the services provided by the Bar. in addition to the benefits of the membership of the Bar Association. And the fees included by the legal body for this service.

If you are looking for an attorney to manage or proceed with your case this article is more beneficial and worth counting for your attraction. We provided a step-by-step procedure step by step that you can access attorneys by using the Bar Association search. The information contained by this portal we discuss thoroughly.


Check the Arkansas Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct website for disciplinary decisions: Office of the Committee on Professional Conduct | Arkansas Judiciary

The exact number fluctuates, but the Arkansas Bar Association website offers attorney search tools: [Arkansas Bar Association ON Arkansas Bar Association arkbar.com]

No, filing is not mandatory but recommended for enforceability.

How much does a power of attorney cost in Arkansas?

Communication issues are frequent complaints, but grounds for discipline vary.

Arkansas has 23 judicial districts, each with an elected Prosecuting Attorney (district attorney).

Lawyer fees vary depending on experience, practice area, and case complexity. Consult directly for quotes.

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